February 14th is a special day to me, because it a day of accomplishments.

February 14th is a special day to me, because it a day of accomplishments.

My choice for accomplishments come from two different paths in education.  Education comes in two forms – secular (government regulated)  and esoteric (human history).  After 18 years of college and 52 years of life I created my own special calendar holidays and they are specific holidays for me.

I find that if there is a will there is a way and to have anything in life worth having we always have to work for it.  If things are given to us we do no appreciate them as much as if we worked for it.

Give a woman a fish and she can feed her self for a day.  Teach a woman to fish and she can feed her self for life.

Gemini one lesson to learn and one lesson to teach in a life time.  To teach that love is awareness and learn that love is feeling.  To teach is always much easier than the learning part of life.  We can only teach what we have learned.

To publish by first eBook was beyond my wildest dreams and a true accomplishment for me to learn.  Life choices are only a choice that only self can choose.  Three choices always for any adventure in life. 1) to do, 2) not to do, and 3) do nothing.  Doing nothing is the in between path of to do or not to do.  Doing nothing is still an action.

To publish my first eBook was an action that I finally took after 22 years of waiting.  Three years ago today I finally took that action and now I have 9 books under my belt.  I also find that to make one of the books more alive is through hand paintings and music.  Today I celebrate 2 accomplishments, the release of my first eBook and my 3rd album.  Sure it’s a ton of work, but if I can bring smiles to hearts around the world than it is the best valentines day to me.

My first eBook  The Universe Is Calling You

My 3rd album just released today 22 HEARTS

My hand paintings 5N1

The Universe Is Calling You is Shawanaisha’s past life.  An Epic adventure of a girl named Shawanaisha and her 5 fractal animal guides.  It is about her life times in past, present and future life times. Setting – year 3050, universe #23, planet #3.

Happy Valentines Day and Happy reading.